Association pour le développement inténomique A.s.b.l.

Association pour le développement inténomique

The Intenomic Approach


Intenomy is a new word creation from the Latin "integer" (holistic) and the ancient Greek "nemein" (administer, distribute). This new word is meant to express that we strive to find solutions to the challenges of the 21st century with a new, holistic method or approach.

Unfolding Personal Potential


Every change begins within ourselves. So if we want to make the world a better place, we must first start with ourselves. This is about recognizing one's potential and developing one's talents, and finally finding one's purpose or meaning in life.

The intenomic approach integrates 3 aspects to ensure a holistic approach:


  • Energy equation: i.e. the output should always be greater than the energy used to obtain this output,

  • Global Pareto Optimum: i.e. the well-being of individuals or a group should only be improved up to the point at which it would lead to a deterioration of the well-being of others,

  • The simultaneous consideration of 5 elements to ensure a holistic view. These 5 elements include the humanistic perspective ("Unfolding of personal potential"), the social perspective ("social welfare"), health, environment and the economy.

The intenomic approach stipulates, that each project, action, method or technology is examined under the 3 perspectives described above and improves at least one out of the 5 elements, according to the principle of the global Pareto Optimum, the situation on a global level - as far as measurable.

"Be The Change You Wish

To See In The World"

attributed to Mahatma Gandhi



The second item of the intenomic approach is health. All ideas, projects or initiatives should promote health or at least not harm it. Only if you are in the best possible health can you put your creativity and energy to work for the benefit of society.

We assume that almost all people want to make a positive contribution to society and nature as soon as their basic needs and their need for security are met.


In order to change our society in a sustainable way and to preserve our biosphere, it is necessary for the population to reach the first two levels of Maslow's pyramid of needs (see right).


The goal of the unfolding of personal potential is self-realization. In this state, man will automatically - similar to Adam Smith's concept of the invisible hand - promote the common good, since he experiences his fulfillment in giving and sharing.


The unfolding of personal potential thus leads to a respectful, responsible and benevolent interaction with each other and is therefore the prerequisite for a sustainable and peaceful society.


We believe that the following elements are conducive to the development of your own potential:


  • Awareness and mindfulness of oneself and others:

    More awareness and mindfulness leads to more self-reflection, clarity and enables us to better follow our intuition. Prejudices, resentment and violence also decrease as we become more aware. If we accept our dark or cruel side (called "shadow" by C.G. Jung) and integrate it into our personality, i.e. learn to control it, we do not have to fight these shadows (sometimes with violence) in other persons, groups and ethnic groups (see video on the left).

  • Taking responsibility for one's actions and thoughts and to strengthen one's will and focus

  • Continuous learning, continuing education in the subjects one is attracted to

"Healthy people have
many wishes,
sick people only have one"

We believe that health includes a positive mindset, nutrition, exercise, air (breathing) and the right environment.

Social Welfare


The third element of the intenomic approach is about social welfare. Above all this includes community, sharing and the common good. It is about a respectful and responsible interaction between people and generations (including future generations), a culture of sharing and giving. The wise of our times as well as research on happiness has shown, that to help, give, share and contribute  to our fellows, society or nature is beneficial to one’s sense of fulfillment and will lead to happiness.


Furthermore social welfare is about employment in the sense of a meaningful activity or endeavor. In the context of digitalization it becomes even more important that one finds an inspiring activity. It is about empowering people and equality of opportunity, which is achieved through education.


Education is an essential part of Social Welfare, as it is part of unfolding personal potential. Archetypally speaking, schools and universities are temples of wisdom and their members (teachers, professors, etc.) are sages who give guidance to society to evolve for the better of humanity and helping individuals to begin the mastery of a domain of expertise, finding and developing their talents thus unfolding their personal potential and eventually embracing a meaningful activity, which will contribute to society and/or nature.


Finally exchange, interaction and dialogue are part of this element. In particular Marshall Rosenberg’s non-violent communication gives insights on how to speak, listen and express the needs at an individual, group or society level.



The environment comes fourth in the intenomic approach. Environment means nature, our planet with all its flora and fauna, animals and wild life. Furthermore, the environment is also our environment created by man (architecture, town planning, etc.).


Intenomic ideas, methods and materials preserve the biosphere and are therefore beneficial to our environment. Pollution prevention and restoration of natural areas as well as sustainable processes (such as natural sewage treatment plants, waste avoidance and recycling, renewable energies, etc.) are some of the things that fall under this heading.



The last item of the intenomic approach is the economy. Every project should be economically viable, or at least in terms of the energy equation, should deliver a higher output than it requires in terms of input. Economy stands for progress and living standards. In accordance with the above elements, the economy can serve mankind and lead to the next evolutionary step.


The economy includes technologies, transport, means of communication and supply. Another essential aspect is employment and infrastructure.